Monday, June 12, 2017

Scandinavia 2017 - Serendipity and The Danish Design Museum

It was not on our agenda. Truth be told we didn't even know that it existed. This is a lesson in how serendipity works.

Serendipity Part One

We wandered a city, turned a corner at random and then in a fairly nondescript building behind a fairly nondescript courtyard we see a sign saying "Danish Design Museum" My husband said "Should we go in?" Through the courtyard we could see an inner courtyard. I suggest that, at very least, we could take a gander at that. We pass though the street side courtyard, some young, student looking people were constructing something out of wood (we never did find out what) off to one side and went through the doors.

Serendipity Part Two

While taking a cursory glance at the admission fees we are informed that the museum is free that day, we merely needed to leave our bags in the lockers off to the left.

Serendipity Part Three

The locker costs 20 Danish kroner. We have no Danish money on us. A kindly Danish gentleman hands us the appropriate coins then continues on his way. Danish gentleman, we are in your debt...THIS MUSEUM ROCKS!!!

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