Friday, March 20, 2020

Coronavirus19 Diary - 3/18/20 - Rainy days and Wednesdays

God has an odd sense of humor. I am attempting to maintain a sense of normalcy. So, suffering from cabin fever I showered, dressed and went downstairs to take a short walk, we are allowed to do that as long as a certain distance from others is maintained, and was met with the beginning of a rain that would continue for the remainder of the day. The light, misty type of rain that envelopes you leaving you, oddly, as drenched as a cloudburst. Still, I stood out in the air under the canopy that covers the carriage entrance in the front of our building, watching the scant foot and auto traffic pass by.

I collected our mail on my way upstairs. Our income tax return check had arrived. It will be a while before we will be able to put it in the bank. I nap, watch t.v., make banana bread to use up some overripe fruit. I make certain I eat and consume an adequate number of calories and drink enough liquid. With out a life rhythm you can fall into ennui, where the normal functions of existence come through your mind and then pass out again without being acted on.

My husband texts me letting me know that the beauty salon he works at voted to shut down until April 1st. It feels as if it is January with 20 degrees below zero wind chills and 4 feet of snow outside. 

Netflix may become my best friend.

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