Thursday, July 8, 2021

Washington/Oregon 2021 - A Ferry Ride

We left Cathlamet's downtown and headed towards the bridge which spans the Columbia river to Puget Island. It is from there that a ferry runs across the remaining portion of the river to the Oregon side. We are on our way to Astoria, a historic town near where the Columbia empty's into the Pacific. 

Puget Island is a pastoral place of small, rich green fields, cows, chickens and ducks and picturesque farm houses and barns. It seems to be a part of the America found in the work of Norman Rockwell and Grandma Moses. A sign at the ferry dock bills Washington  as "The Emerald State". Judging from what we had seen so far it was easy to see why.

The ferry takes a languid trip to the fairly close by opposite shore. As it nears the shore we spot a female bald eagle partially hidden in the dense cluster of trees. Suddenly we see the male, gliding across the water and landing in the tall grass along the shoreline. To those that live in these parts it may be a familiar sight. To city dwellers like us, it leaves us excited and breathless.

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