Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Coronavirus19 Diaries - Endgame

After near disastrous appearances on the Sunday morning talking heads shows our Governor , at his daily televised news conference on Monday, well, clarified, his stay at home order. He had been accused of moving the goal posts regarding the time the state would reopen. The way it had been presented the previous week made it sound as if the order would extend into June. Many began to complain about government overreach. I had a personal concern since my employer had, graciously, been paying the premiums for our medical insurance during the time we were furloughed, but only through May. Many were concerned about making their rent or mortgage payments. Some were concerned about paying their property taxes. Food banks were seeing blocks long lines of cars. Monday the Governor suggested, strongly, careful to not make it absolute, that the state would be able to partially open May 29th, sending many, my husband and myself included, back to work, with certain safety measures in place of course.

We were more fortunate than some. However, had the lockdown lasted into June insurance costs could have begun to eat into the the financial reserves I had so painstakingly built over the years. Others lived, as I did throughout much of my life, on a financial knife's edge. People in the hospitality industry are struggling. I would not be surprised if the Governor "clarifies" the opening date for bars and restaurants, with appropriate safety measures in place of course.

As I read comments on articles and Facebook  I am amazed by the people that are predicting the total destruction of civilization post pandemic. They say they, and by extension the rest of society, will never again fly on a plane, go to a restaurant, meet friends for a drink at a bar or enter a theatre. Their lists of what they think people will no longer do go on and on, not verging on, but actually becoming, absurd. Then there are others, becoming more and more vocal as we see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, They, like I, still intend to travel, eat out, go to the gym and enjoy theatre and live music. My husband has the attitude that if the others stay home it will just leave more room for the rest of us. My guess is the doomsday prophets were people that never went out that much pre pandemic.

There will be pain. The loss of small, unique businesses, for some a prolonged financial hardship, but eventually, we will return to normal. Thanks Governor for being a little bit clearer about when.

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