Thursday, November 3, 2022

Mexico 2022 - A Few Thoughts on Age

 In idle moments, for instance on a 4 hour plane trip, well 5 actually as we were on the tarmac for almost an hour before taking off, my mind wanders.  As I stated in my earlier post I recently turned 65. Several months ago waiting for one of the free summer symphonies in the park to begin, I mentioned to my friend, my roommate in San Francisco during our younger years, that I never thought of myself, in those days of yore, about myself at this age. I still don't quite know what to make of it. I recognize there has been a certain physical decline,. The sagging of my once firm chin is these days camouflaged with a beard. I take longer to get over illness of recover from a particularly brutal gym workout. 

He and I discussed once, after seeing an elderly person painfully board a bus, how much physical decline I will be willing to accept. I take reasonably good care of myself, eat fairly well, don't drink to excess, my drug days are long over. My gym and summer biking are important parts of my routine. 

I'm told I don't look my age, although I am at a loss as to what my age looks like. Unfortunately the plague of the gay community  that was AIDS has pretty well wiped out the drug tripping, dance floor pounding club kids the were my cohorts in my 20's. There are few I can compare myself to. 

Through happenstance and frugality I have managed to semi retire, working only three days of the week. I have spent most of my working life in retail, much of it in management, which necessitated more than my share of 50 and 60 hour weeks. I feel I have earned the privilege of being able to ease off my work schedule and enjoy time. I attend the aforementioned free symphonies in the park during the summer and member lectures at the Art Institute. I actually enjoy running errands, doing them at a leisurely pace, taking in the sights and sounds of the world around me as I do. 

I have always stated that, as long as I have mobility and my mental marbles, I don't mind age. With age comes a certain wisdom, if one is willing to accept it, that can only be gained through time. 

One last point, if I don't like something, a piece of art or music, a performance or political viewpoint, someone's fashion sense I may consider misguided, I no longer feel that I have to explain why. I'm 65, I just don't like it, so there!


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