Saturday, July 18, 2020

Coronavirus19 Diary - Moments

There are moments that happen now that restrictions have been lifted some. There is a tiny park across the street from us. Cordoned off for months as it was technically part of the closed down lakefront, it is once again accessible. I sit on a bench in the hot morning sun and gaze out on the lake. The sun sparkles on the small crests of the ripples which move across the water. Lake Michigan changes color. This day it is a light blue, two shades darker than the pale blue sky above. In the distance, on a horizon streaked with clouds so thin they are almost opaque, three sailboats glide by.

Although the beaches are closed there is a spot on the grass overlooking the lake, about a 25 minute walk from our apartment, where people gather, with appropriate social distancing. It feels good to be among people, even though we need to stay a standard 6 feet away from each other.

But today it is hot and humid. It will perhaps be the hottest day so far this year. So I opt for the tiny park, close to home, where I can quickly seek respite when the baking Midwest sun becomes too much to bear.

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