Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Coronavirus19 Diary - Hope Springs Eternal (I Hope)

At least in my home state we're coming round the bend. Deaths and infection rates are falling. Unfortunately, due to an  inadequate federal response from the beginning, this slow but steady recovery is not being experienced nationwide. As cases and positivity rates rise we have been banned from much international travel. Our country is viewed, by many, as third world. Run by a mad man, many citizens, once holding on to a semblance of middle class status, sliding into poverty. We have become deeply divided by income and ideology, and, we are equipped with enough weapons to make these divisions deadly. It is almost as if the pandemic has taken the U.S. and shook it out like a rug, racism , hatred and anger falling out from the pile and forming a disheartening medley of debris on the ground. We the people becoming me the people. Division being sowed by the highest levels of our government. During these times, when we should have been united, with compassion for one another, I watch as many attempt to scramble to the top, stepping and crawling over those beneath them. The common decency of wearing a mask  to protect the health of others becoming a political act.

Yet, for all this, the future is not entirely without hope. Science, medicine and time have controlled disease in the past. There is a world wide effort by science and medicine to control, or even defeat this one. And we the people still have the power of the vote, which is now as important as any time in our nation's history. We the people need to step up to the responsibility of this precious and valuable right. We the people need to use it's power to recreate a nation of compassion and equality, making America great again.

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